Race Information

• All Totem to Totem events are manually clock-timed.
• Runners must ensure their bib number is on the front of their shirts, clearly visible for race volunteers.
• Water stations are every 5 km.
• Bikers will be on the route to provide water, gels and assistance as needed.
• Runners must stay on the right hand side of the highway, the water side, to the right of the orange delineators.


MARATHON – Start time: 8:05 a.m. (approximately)
• The course is an out-and-back route. It starts and finishes at the Haida Heritage Centre, Kay Llnagaay, at Second Beach, Skidegate.
• The route goes north along the highway, through the village of Skidegate, past the new totem pole which was raised in 2017. (It replaced the totem pole carved by Haida artist Bill Reid, which is now at the Heritage Centre.) The route continues through the village, past the cemetery and out to Highway 16, along the highway to Balance Rock – the 5 km point going out.
• The route continues along the highway to Miller Creek – approx.. the 10 km point going out, Jungle Beach – the 15 km point going out, past the community of Lawnhill, up a small hill to the water station across from St. Mary’s Spring – the turnaround point for the marathon. (It is said that if you drink the water at the spring, you will return to Haida Gwaii. But plan to do that after you finish. Be safe and do not cross the road.)
• At St. Mary’s Spring, marathoners turn around and return the same way, staying on the same side of the highway (the water side) and within the orange delineator boundary, return to finish at the Haida Heritage Centre, passing by Jungle Beach, Miller Creek, Balance Rock and into Skidegate village.
• By the time you are returning, locals may be out getting ready for Skidegate Days. You may have to make your way through the local crowd.
• The finish line is where you started at the Haida Heritage Centre.

HALF-MARATHON 21.1 KM – Start time 8:05 a.m. (approximately)
• The course is an out-and-back route. It starts and finishes at the Haida Heritage Centre, Kay Llnagaay, at Second Beach, Skidegate.
• The half-marathon route goes north along the highway, into the village of Skidegate, past the new totem pole which was raised in 2017, through the village, past the cemetery and out to Highway 16, along the highway to Balance Rock – the 5 km point going out. The half-marathon route continues to Miller Creek – the half-marathon turn around point.
• At the Miller Creek water station, the Half-Marathoners turn and staying on the same side of the highway (the water side) and within the orange delineator boundary, return to finish at the Haida Heritage Centre, passing by Balance Rock, going past the cemetery, through Skidegate village.
• The finish line is where you started at the Haida Heritage Centre.

10K RUN – Start time 8:15 am (approximately)
• The 10 KM Run starts approximately 10 minutes after the marathon and half-marathon runners have left.
• The course is an out-and-back route. It starts and finishes at the Haida Heritage Centre, Kay Llnagaay, at Second Beach, Skidegate.
• The route goes north along the highway, through the village of Skidegate, past the new totem pole The route continues through the village, past the cemetery and out to Highway 16, along the highway to the water station at Balance Rock.
• The turnaround point for the 10KM is just beyond the water station at Balance Rock. Make sure you go the distance!
• Turn around and return through Skidegate village.
• The finish line is where you started at the Haida Heritage Centre.